Breast Procedures


Breast Procedures

Breast Augmentation

Surgical Procedure

During breast augmentation, a breast implant is placed either under the breast tissue and over the chest muscle, or under both the chest muscle and the breast tissue. Your surgeon will advise you on the most suitable procedure for you. This helps to increase or balance the size of the breasts, restore breast volume, or restore the shape of breasts after partial or total loss. Please note that breast augmentation cannot correct significantly sagging or drooping breasts. In these instances, a breast lift is often necessary, which may be performed in conjunction with this procedure.

All breast implants are made with a silicone based casing but they are filed with either silicone gel or saline. The outer silicone case may be smooth, shiny, polished, or a slightly rough texture. The type, style, and size of breast implants you choose are determined by your lifestyle, body contours, the amount of breast tissue you have, and the cup size and appearance that you would like to achieve. You should talk to your doctor about choosing the breast implant option that is right for you

We offer the most commonly used methods of incision and insertion; at the nipple, under the breast or under the armpit and it may be more than a simple case of aesthetics as to which option is chosen. Your surgeon will advise you of best procedure to suit you.

Breast Lift

Surgical Procedure

During surgery, the surgeon removes excess skin and tightens the remaining skin. The surgeon starts by assessing the required lift and fullness needed to achieve the desired result. This is done by marking a new nipple position. Using a scalpel, the surgeon then makes an incision along the pre-marked lines and separates the skin from the tissues below. The excess breast fat is then removed, the nipple relocated to its new position and finally the new breast shape is reconstructed. The incision is usually made around the nipple and under the surface of the breast, like an upside down T, however a different technique may be used depending on the degree to which your breasts sag.

If you decide to have implants with your breast lift, they will be placed directly under the breast tissue or chest muscle.


Breast Augmentation and Abdominoplasty

Surgical Procedure

During breast augmentation, a breast implant is placed either under the breast tissue and over the chest muscle, or under both the chest muscle and the breast tissue. Your surgeon will advise you on the most suitable procedure for you. This helps to increase or balance the size of the breasts, restore breast volume, or restore the shape of breasts after partial or total loss.

In doing an abdominoplasty, the excess skin and fat are removed surgically from the abdominal area. A low abdominal incision across the pubic area, from hip to hip, and sometimes from the navel down is made. Depending on the needs of the patient, the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened. If loose skin and muscle weakness are limited to the area below the navel, a slightly different procedure – which usually leaves a smaller scar and no scarring around the navel may be performed.



Breast Reduction

Surgical Procedure

During surgery, breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin are removed, to make the breasts smaller, lighter, and firmer. An incision is usually made around the nipple and under the surface of the breast, like an upside down T. The nipple and areola are almost always left attached to their blood vessels and nerves. The skin from above the nipples is then pulled down to shape the new breast and a hole is cut for the new nipple and areola. If the breasts are particularly large the nipple may need to be completely removed and grafted to a higher position – this results in a loss of sensation to the nipple and areola.


Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Surgical Procedure

Your current implants will sit either directly under the breast tissue or deeper behind the breast muscle. They will be removed through incisions made underneath your breasts or around the areola. Following the procedure you will be taken from the operating theatre into the Recovery Room where you will be looked after until you are fully awake following the anaesthetic. After this, you will return to your room, where nursing staff will check your dressings and monitor your pulse and blood pressure at regular intervals.


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