Body Procedures


Body Procedures

Thigh Lift

Surgical Procedure

Immediately before surgery your doctor will mark your thighs while you are in a standing position. He or she will grasp the skin and gently pull it upwards in order to estimate how much skin should be removed. An incision is made in the groin that goes to the back of the crease of the buttock. Skin in then lifted and excess skin and fat are removed to improve the shape of the leg and tighten the skin. The final scar is hidden in the groin crease.

Brachiplasty (Arm Lift)

Surgical Procedure

Your surgeon will first mark the area of excess skin. Then after the anaesthetic is administered, incisions are made on the inner and under arm, usually in a zigzag pattern. Skin is usually cut off in an elliptical or triangular shape. Fatty tissue is often suctioned at the same time.

After the loose skin and fat have been removed, the remaining skin is stretched and sutured into place. Occasionally a drain is used to lead excess fluids from the site of incision, allowing the skin better to adhere to the tissue beneath. The incisions are then bandaged.

Belt Lipectom

Surgical Procedure

The surgery typically begins with the patient in the prone position (belly down) and requires the body be turned onto the back once the initial posterior buttocks and lower back area surgery is completed so that the stomach or abdominal area “tummy tuck” can be performed which completes the “belt” lipectomy.

Buttock Implant

Surgical Procedure

During buttock augmentation, implants are placed through an incision made either where the cheek meets the back of the thigh or in the buttock crease (where scars are not as noticeable). The surgeon then creates a pocket large enough to place the implants. Your surgeon will advise you on the most suitable procedure for you. Once placed, the surgeon confirms that each cheek is symmetrical and looks natural. The incisions are closed, and a compression garment is applied.


Surgical Procedure

To smooth out the abdomen, the surgeon makes a low abdominal incision across the pubic area, from hip to hip, and sometimes from the navel down. The excess skin is then pulled over the abdomen, cut and removed. The navel remains intact and attached to the abdominal wall so the surgeon must make a new opening that is in proportion to your new stomach. If loose skin and muscle weakness are limited to the area below the navel, a slightly different procedure – which usually leaves a smaller scar and no scarring around the navel – may be performed.

Abdominoplasty can be combined with liposuction to help reduce the areas of fat accumulation. Patients that are obese or have excessive loose skin may need modification surgery called a Panniculectomy. This procedure tightens the loose skin of the abdomen and repairs weak muscles of the abdomen wall.

Vaser Liposuction

Is VASER Liposuction right for me ? 

If you are frustrated by the resistance of certain body areas to diet and exercise, VASER LipoSelection can provide a solution. If you are healthy and seeking a fast, low-pain solution for losing stubborn fat deposits. the LipoSelection procedure could be your answer. Patients who say they would have never considered liposuction are now finding the LipoSelection procedure is a minimally invasive option for the achievement of their body reshaping goals. Although there are limits to the amount of fat that can be removed. your doctor can assist you with your decision about potential areas for contouring, anticipated results, and the recovery process.


Surgical Procedure

During liposuction a small cannula (a hollow tube-shaped surgical tool) is placed deep into the fatty tissue beneath the skin. Suction is then applied until the required fat is removed. The key to success is ensuring that the fat under the skin is removed and remains smooth between the outer layers of skin. The Tumescent procedure is the most common method used as it involves the infiltration of saline in to the fat prior to extraction. This solution usually contains local anaesthetic and a constrictive agent which combine to loosen the fat, shrink the blood vessels and anaesthetize the area. This enables the surgeon to remove fat more easily and with less pain and bruising.

Liposculpture describes the technique of shaping the waist, hips and thighs to give a well proportioned shape.

Liposhaping refers to an all over removal of body fat to reduce overall size.

Lipostructure is the method of using small amounts of extracted body fat to re-shape the facial contour.

Lipobuilding is the technique of using larger amounts of extracted body fat to increase the breast size or expand body contours.

Superficial Liposuction creates skin shrinkage by removing the fat directly under the skin.

Tridimentional Liposuction combines extraction of all 3 levels of fat to shape and lift the body and shrink the skin.

Liposuction can be performed on almost all areas of the body. The most common areas are the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin and cheek, male chests, female breasts, knees, calves and ankles. The fat removed can be transferred to fill or enhance facial or body contours in other areas if necessary.


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